One of the main tenets of Eastern medicine is using food as medicine. In fact some of the most highly regarded physicians throughout history prioritized food therapy before the use of medicinals. What we put into our body day after day fuels us and renews us or can potentially inflame and poison us. Knowing this puts health back into our hands.
There are simple guidelines and adjustments that can be made to each individual’s diet that can address disease, discomfort, and imbalances. Certain foods have positive effects on particular systems and by using thermal dynamics of foods we can decrease inflammation or increase metabolism.
We realize that change is difficult, especially changing diets and attitudes towards food. We will work together to recognize the pitfalls and avoid ingrained habits and traps. We can provide guidelines that allow you to choose the food you want to eat, offer suggestions on how to prepare foods so they fit your condition and lifestyle, and help guide you towards drug-free health.
Lifestyle recommendations are made once an in-depth discussion illuminates the cause or compounding factors to your dis-ease. Simple modifications can make a big difference in your life. Sometimes we are unaware of the way we hold our bodies or emotions, but once it's pointed out, we can relax our muscles and re-train ourselves to move through the world with ease. Small tweaks to required daily activities can create space for healing and change. Learning to regulate emotions is paramount to health. Think about the way anger and frustration can elevate blood pressure or how stress can cause bowel issues. Mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, and qi gong (breath & movement together) can help you learn to recognize when strong emotions have taken over and help you release and re-ground.
Nutritional and Lifestyle guidance in Jackson is about tweaking small habits or adding certain foods that will work to help you optimize your health. It’s not about elimination diets, judgment, or restriction. It’s about finding what works for you, so you can live your best life!
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Holistic health is caring for the whole person. It is tending to your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs, and being aware of how all these aspects affect your overall health.
This depends on your insurance. We do not file with insurance, but we will provide you with all of the paperwork that you need to pass onto your insurance provider.
Anyone whose health can improve can benefit from our help. We will work with you to figure out the best way to integrate our holistic care into your current wellness practices.