Acupuncture is the insertion of fine hair-like stainless steel needles into specific areas on the body in order to create communication and free flow throughout the body’s different systems. These areas of insertion may be near the site of injuries or along channels, called meridians, in the body. Specific points along the meridian systems have been utilized for thousands of years to enhance recovery, stimulate healing, and prevent further disease.
Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, and the endocrine and immune systems. By stimulating the body’s various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain, improve sleep and digestive function, regulate the immune system, and give you an over all sense of well-being.
See the FAQ’s below for a list of ailments acupuncture can treat.
Acupuncture treatments are full body treatments that may include electroacupuncture (e-stim), auricular acupuncture (auriculotherapy), and or cosmetic acupuncture depending on your specific needs and may be combined with body work, herbal therapy, and/or nutrition and lifestyle guidance when appropriate.
E-stim is electric stimulation of the needles via a machine that passes a small current through cables (similar to miniature jumper cables). This activates sympathetic nerve fibers, releases endorphins, and reduces inflammation. Blood flow is increased, pain is relieved, and circulation is optimized.
Auriculotherapy is acupuncture applied to the ears. The ear is seen as a microsystem representing the entire body. Points on the ear can be stimulated by tiny needles or Vaccaria seeds taped into place to extend the treatment. This method can be used to treat chronic pain such as low back pain or sciatica, neurological conditions, insomnia, anxiety, and addictions.
Cosmetic acupuncture is acupuncture applied mainly to the face and scalp to increase circulation and collagen production, and produce a radiant and even complexion. Points used are along meridians and in areas of muscular tension that may present as fine lines, discoloration, puffiness, dry skin, or acne. A full body treatment is included to address the root cause of the disharmony leading to the issue. While you may see immediate results, 6 to 12 treatments is the recommended course.
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Acupuncture needles are very different from hypodermic needles used for injections and inoculations. They are very fine and flexible and usually barely felt when inserted. Some people feel a slight pinch or prick as the needle pierces the skin. There are certain sensations associated with the therapeutic effects of acupuncture such as a feeling of heaviness, distention, tingling or electric sensations traveling along the meridian. If any discomfort is experienced, it is usually mild. Most people experience increased relaxation and often fall asleep during the treatment.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), acupuncture is a helpful treatment for:
In addition, acupuncture has been used for centuries in China to treat a host of other problems, such as joint pain, sprains and strains, stress, skin problems, infertility, sexual dysfunction, PMS, and most gynecological complaints.
The nature, severity, and history of each individual‘s complaint, as well as the individual, determine the number of treatments necessary. Between 5 to 15 treatments are generally adequate for the majority of chronic complaints. Many acute conditions may only require a single treatment and some degenerative conditions may require scores of treatments. The primary focus is on correcting the underlying cause of illness, thus producing a lasting cure. Symptoms can often be relieved in a relatively small number of treatments; however, the curing of the illness is a much longer process.
Most people will find some benefit from regular treatments or seasonal tune-ups. Small children and people with bleeding disorders or a fear of needles may respond better to treatments that utilize bodywork techniques or herbal therapies.